Find out 14 skin traits from 3 categories AND 126 personal traits from 19 categories.
What's included?
- Get TWO personalised report on (1) skincare tips, and (2) life, health, sports, and diet advice.
- Cosmetic ingredients and product recommendation.
- Complimentary one-to-one consultation (15-min)
- Skin Type
- Skin Sensitivity
- Skin Hydration
- Melanin Resistance
- Anti-Acne
- Anti-Freckles
- Sun Resistance
- Photosensitivity Protection
- Radiation Resistance
- Skin Antioxidant Capability
- Anti-Aging
- Anti-wrinkle
- Firmness of Eyelids
- Anti-Photoaging
Nutrition Analysis: Macronutrients
- Protein
- Fats
- Carbohydrates
Nutrition Analysis: Vitamins
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
- Folic Acid
- Vitamin C
Nutrition Analysis: Minerals
- Calcium
- Iron
- Zinc
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Selenium
- Iodine
Nutrition Analysis: Metabolism
- Alcohol
- Lactose
- Caffein
- Tea Polyphenols
- Lycopene
Weight Management: Body Type
- Waist to Hip Ratio
- Risk of Big Belly
Weight Management: Dietary Influence
- Appetite
- Satiety
- Calorie Absorption
- Effect of Diet on Weight
- Fat Breakdown Ability
Weight Management: Sports Influence
- Basal Metalic Rate
- Effect of exercising on weight
Sports Management: Sports Ability
- Endurance
- Explosiveness
- Aerobic Exercises
- Anaerobic Exercises
Sports Management: Health Guidance
- Sports Enthusiasm
- Heart Rate during Exercising
- Muscular Endurance
- VO2 Max
- Body Temperature Growth Rate
- Recovery
Sports Management: Sports Risk
- Lumbar Disc Injury
- ACL Injury
- Achilles Tendon Injury
Looks Management: Skin Traits
- Risk of Skin Tanning
- Risk of Skin Inflammation
- Risk of Acne
- Freckles Tendency
- Skin Anti-Photoaging Ability
- Skin Antioxidants Ability
- Skin Anti-Wrinkle Ability
- Skin Oil Control Ability
- Skin Hydration Ability
- Collagen Degradation Rate
Looks Management: Body Parameters
- Hair Volume
- Hair Curls
- Risk of Hair Loss
- Genetic Height
- Risk of Myopia
- Finger Length Ratio
Health Management: Health Parameters
- C-Reactive Protein Level
- Adiponectin Levels
- APOE Type
- Susceptibility to Oral Ulcers
- Helicobacter Pylori Susceptibility
Health Management: Allergies
- Ultraviolet Rays
- Pet Fur
- Pollen
- Emulsion
- Allergic Cough
- Allergic Nasal Congestion and Runny Nose
Personality & Potential: Character Traits
- Resistance to Violence
- Empathy
- Stress Resistance
- Self-Discipline
- Error Avoidance
- Altruism
- Interpersonal Affinity
- Emotional Eating
Personality & Potential: Potential Traits
- Ability to Focus
- Ability to Learn
- Ability to Read
- Ability to Invent
- Episodic Memory
- Language Expression Skills
- Music Discrimination Ability
- Mathematic Potentials
Life Management: Sleep & Rest
- Sleep Metabolism
- Tendency to Stay Up Late
- Deep Sleep Durations
- Sleep Quality
- Sleep Durations
Life Management: Sensory Perception
- Photic Sneeze Reflex
- Pain Sensitivity
- Sensitivity to Chewing Sounds
- Smell Recognition Ability
- Sweetness Sensitivity
- Bitter Sensitivity
- Salt Sensitivity
Life Management: Living Traits
- Hand Preference
- Type of Ear Wax
- Cigarette Addiction
- Coriander Preferences
- Genes of Bachelordom
- Cold Resistance
- Altitude Sickness
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